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linear distortion 【無線電】線性失真。

linear measure

Harmonic distortion is one of the most common non - linear distortions , and it affects the playback performance of audio devices directly . harmonic distortion graph reflects the distortion distribution in the whole audio frequency range 諧波失真是音頻設備最常見的一種非線性失真,它直接影響到音頻設備的重放效果,諧波失真曲線圖反映出設備在整個音頻范圍內的失真分布情況,是衡量設備性能的重要參數。

This article takes the application of pa and antenna in wlan as the clue , and makes research and experiment implement of the non - linear distortion occurring in pa and networking antenna technique 本文以雙向功放和天線在wlan中的應用為線索,對雙向功放在使用過程中出現的非線性失真問題和組網天線技術進行了理論研究和實驗仿真。

Uses philips modules and high quality , sensible pin photo - diode , provides high rf output , low noise and low non - linear distortion 采用飛利浦光電模塊和優質量高靈敏度pin光電二極管,輸出電平高,低噪音和較小的非線性

Computer vision based designing and actualizing of linear distortion measuring system of line heating 基于計算機視覺的水火彎板線變形測量系統的設計與實現

Photographic sound record ; difference frequency method for measurement of non - linear distortions 攝影錄音.測量非線性失真的差頻法

Linear distortion correction 線性失真校正

High output level , low noise and low non - linear distortion 輸出電平高,低噪音和較小的非線形失真。